
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Spoiled Baby Cate :)

On Thursday Caitlin's little buddy Blakely came up to visit from Santa Clara. My kiddos weren't exactly the best hosts, but Blakely was ADORABLE and Andrew loved watching her smile.

Caitlin slept most of their playdate

and wasn't a big fan of sharing her playtime mat ;)

And let's just say that this photo below of Caitlin can represent the grand mal tantrum that Andrew had while Kaari & Blakely were over. It was pretty awesome and involved some screaming, throwing things, kicking, etc. He had a nice 2 hr nap once everyone left and he was done raging. Maybe it will teach him not to wake up for 2 hrs in the middle night? Doubt it though.

Despite crazy Andrew, Kaari and I had fun chatting. Blakely gave Caitlin an adorable little people farm set. Andrew was equally as excited about it and has been playing with it for a few days now. What awesome friends! Thanks Kaari!

The spoiling of Baby Cate continued yesterday when a darling package arrived from Georgia from C's friends Lara and Avery. They sent her tons and tons of adorable bows and hair clips!

We are so excited to try them out! Thanks Bahrs!!

Caitlin is so lucky to have such generous friends!!

1 comment:

Danielle Bahr said...

Glad you finally got them :) I asked my sis-n-law to make them right before Christmas.... and so you can imagine that I should have been on the ball enough to ask her in August so it could arrive before her arrival! At any rate - I love Liss' bows and don't have the patience to make them myself. I get a lot of requests for them so I hope you enjoy them as much as avery and lara do... In fact the first words out of Lara's mouth every morning are: bow, bow while she frantically pats her head and then runs to the bathroom to get one. :)