
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Caitlin-week 8!

This is a great picture to illustrate Caitlin at 8 weeks.

She is a heavenly sleeper. Last night she went from midnight to almost 7am. She would've gone back to sleep until 9 or 9:30am after eating, but we had to be somewhere at 9am.

I am crossing my fingers that she keeps this up and our trip to Newport in a few weeks doesn't ruin it.

Just in case you are jealous that I am getting so much sleep... remember, I have a crazy toddler who likes to wake up during the in-between hours. It is almost torturous to know the sleep I could be having if he wasn't to blame :) I plan to torture him relentlessly when he is a teenager and all he wants to do is sleep (maybe sing the BYU Fight Song at the top of my lungs like my dad used to?).

Other info about Caitlin at 8 weeks...

- She has found her hands and loves sucking on them

- She still isn't a pacifier girl. She sucks it to fall asleep sometimes and then spits it out... unlike Andrew who would cry every time it fell out of his mouth.

- The eyebrow cradle cap is going away. Yay!

- Her bewitching hour is waning... but man can she smell up a room!

- She wears size 2 diapers and size 3-6 month clothes

- She loves to be swaddled and is double swaddled at night.

- She loves to watch Andrew dancing or singing... and he loves to cheer her up by making up songs for her.

- She is starting to push up when she is on her stomach... though she'd prefer to just lie there.

- She loves smiling at her "friend" in the mirror.

- When she is lying on her back we can pull her up to a sitting position and her head comes with her (instead of being all floppy).

- She is content to just chill in her chair or swing and watch Andrew and I play.

- She smiles a lot and loves to coo and "talk" with us and cuddle! We love it!!

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